Candle Beads

Your Eco-Friendly, Self-Extinguishing and Re-Usable candle wax beads

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Why Candle Beads?


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iCandles SA - Premium Candle Beads

South Africa’s environmentally friendly solution to conventional candles.

Candle Beads offer a carefree ambiance and lasting value for ceremonies,
weddings, and home décor, making art and practicality one.

How Candle Beads work:

Candle beads, sandwax, pearled candles, glass vase fill quantity

How much Candle Beads do I need?

Depending on the venue, inside or outside, you can use less than 9 grams of candle wax per hour.

Please be advised that the measurements provided are to be regarded as estimates.

The remaining Candle Beads are re-usable.

John 8:12

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will
never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."